Keep Track of Your Progress

Millionaire Mastermind (Part 8)

Alex Almanzo
Millionaire Mastermind
1 min readDec 21, 2013


Big secret alert! Know where you are headed and track your progress. Figure out how far you are from your goal. Let it motivate you. Nothing inspires you more than seeing results or lack thereof. There is where you started, where you are, and where you want to be. The secret of the masters is to persevere until you reach the goal. No excuses. Just sheer willpower. Get it done. Or don’t. Those are your only two options. Ingrain that mentality into your brain.

-The Millionaire (Page 13)

Millionaire Mastermind: The Success Philosophy of a $100 Million Dollar Man ($4.99 Kindle/ $12.99)


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