
Millionaire Mastermind (Part 4)

Alex Almanzo
Millionaire Mastermind
1 min readDec 17, 2013


We live in an over-saturated world. Too many options, not enough time. Figure out the things that matter the most to you and discard the rest. This is YOUR life. You have limited time on this planet. DO YOU. Fuck what other’s expect. Bless them and move on. You can’t be everything to everyone. Stick to the things that make you happy. Really enjoy those things. The thinner you slice yourself- the less rich your experiences will be. Be present. Do what brings you joy. Stay simple.

-The Millionaire (Page 10)

Millionaire Mastermind: The Success Philosophy of a $100 Million Dollar Man ($4.99 Kindle/ $12.99)


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