Titles Are Bullshit

Millionaire Mastermind (Part 16)

Alex Almanzo
Millionaire Mastermind
1 min readDec 29, 2013


Just because someone has a title it doesn’t mean that they are more important than you. Most of the time these people lack integrity. They’ll talk a good talk but they don’t walk a good walk. They’ll connive and find ways to get ahead. Often without care for who they trample over. Now don’t get it twisted there are plenty of good people out there. But don’t assume some one should be looked up to based on status alone. There are too many scummy people in positions of power. It’s unfortunate but it’s the truth. Emulate those with impeccable character. Be wary of those that display anything less.

-The Millionaire (Page 19)

Millionaire Mastermind: The Success Philosophy of a $100 Million Dollar Man ($4.99 Kindle/ $12.99)


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