We Are All Idiots

Millionaire Mastermind (Part 13)

Alex Almanzo
Millionaire Mastermind
1 min readDec 26, 2013


Some people may have better success than you but they are usually just as dumb as or even dumber than you. Successful people don’t have secret knowledge that others don’t. Maybe at one point this was true but we are all on the same playing field now. We all have access to an infinite amount of knowledge. What others know- you can know. The only advantage of the successful is their willingness to succeed. They DON’T give up. They are relentless. Almost to the point of disgust. They’d rather die than fail. In their minds failure is not an option. While others are having fun- they’re working. There is no off season- there is only results or no results. They make moves. They grind. They aren’t smarter they just work harder. When it comes down to it we are all just as dumb as everyone else. But some let that be an excuse while others don’t.

-The Millionaire (Page 17)

Millionaire Mastermind: The Success Philosophy of a $100 Million Dollar Man ($4.99 Kindle/ $12.99)


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