Layout Assignment
This was my very first attempts at making basic layouts.
Milo Jurevicius- Layout Assignment
With my layout I was trying to convey a very peaceful feeling. Nature and harmony is the general theme and through the use of greens, blues, greys and browns, i feel as though i achieved this. When someone looks at the layout I expect them to be able to imagine themselves in any one of the images (as if they were to have taken the photos themselves). I like the font, as it’s very simple and pleasing to the eye, as well as the use of text becoming smaller as it goes down the page, also the smaller the text is the lighter the shade of grey. Challenges I faced with this assignment were constantly feeling like the layout was too simple, pretentious, etc… Just overall doubting myself a lot while creating it, as the early stages of any assignment don’t seem like they will go anywhere. I would say for next time, I would like to try and form more of a plan going into the assignment and maybe try and use some more complex edits with the photos. Overall I sam happy with the end product, but would like to try more complex layouts in the future.
This was a basic layout where I was concerned with the colour scheme (blue, green and white). It was a basic test but I feel as though it turned out alright.