Cut through the jargon: email acronyms

Last up, acronyms! A bit geeky but you’ll thank us

Edward Grant
2 min readApr 29, 2022


Volume 4: Acronyms

API — is an Application Programming Interface that allows different platforms to talk to each other and share data

B2B — meaning ‘business to business, this identifies your target audience as business/commercial rather than the general public

B2C — business to consumer, selling to the general public rather than to other business entities

CRM — Customer Relationship Management system that allows you to track communications to facilitate the monitoring of buying history

DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) — is an email authentication technique that allows the receiver to check that an email was sent by the authorised owner of that domain. It’s designed to detect forged sender addresses in emails, a technique often used in phishing and email spam.

ESP — Email Service Provider is a company that offers a tool or platform that allows you to easily send email campaigns and monitor their success

IP address — Internet Protocol — the digital electronic address of your computer or the identity of the host or network interface

ISP — Internet Service Provider provides the access for a computer to join the internet

JPG / JPEG — a file format for graphics and images. Created by the Joint Photographic Expert Group, it’s a way of compressing files and is widely used on the internet

MTA — Message/Mail Transfer Agent is used to transfer email from one computer to another using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Multipart MIME — Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) bundle together a plain text version of your email along with the HTML version of your email (which contains graphics, specific fonts, etc)

MX record — also known as a mail exchanger record specifies the mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a domain name

PNG — Portable Network Graphics that supports lossless graphics compression, a popular format for use on the internet.

We blend the power of email, push notifications, in-app messaging and SMS to deliver unrivaled results.

Whether you need us to complement your internal team, a fully managed service, or require specialist consultation, get in touch to find out more.

