Cut through the jargon: email reporting

A quick look at some of the top phrases you’re likely to come across once you start looking into how your emails are performing

Edward Grant
2 min readApr 26, 2022


email reporting image from milton bayer

Volume 3: Reporting

Open rate — the percentage of subscribers who open a specific email out of your total number of subscribers

Click-Through Rate / CTR — How often a user clicks on the CTA (Call To Action) to view it

Click to open rate — compares the number of unique clicks to unique opens. This indicates the efficacy of the email message, design, and content, and whether it generated sufficient interest for the user to take action

Deliverability — the likelihood of emails reaching the target inbox against the likelihood of being bounced, sent to spam, etc.

Opt-in — the action whereby people sign up to receive your communications

Opt-in rate — the percentage of site visitors who subscribe to receive your communications

Opt-out — the percentage of site visitors who unsubscribe from your communications

Soft Bounce — is when an email you send gets as far as your recipient’s mail server but bounces back undelivered before it gets into the inbox. This is for temporary issues such as when their inbox is full or the email file size is too large

Hard Bounce — an email cannot be delivered because of a permanent failure such as restrictive security settings or an invalid email address

Unique clicks — how many individual subscribers clicked on your links. So, if a Subscriber clicked on your links more than once, it will count those actions as one click instead of two

Unique opens — represents how many individuals opened your email rather than the number of times it was opened (one person could open the same email several times)

Unsubscribe — when someone removes their permission for you to send them communications

We blend the power of email, push notifications, in-app messaging and SMS to deliver unrivaled results.

Whether you need us to complement your internal team, a fully managed service, or require specialist consultation, get in touch to find out more.

