Cut through the jargon: email data

Stay ahead of the game with this useful jargon buster. We try to keep things simple for our clients but sometimes in the world of digital marketing it’s hard to avoid jargon so we’ll demystify some common terms and phrases to keep you in the know.

Edward Grant
2 min readApr 19, 2022


visual representation of email data from milton bayer

Volume 1: Data

Demographics — demographic data is statistical data collected about the characteristics of a population or group, e.g. age, gender and income (for example)

Suppression list — email addresses you don’t want to send to either because they have opted out from receiving your emails or because they have hard bounced. This list helps protect your sending reputation.

Blacklist — a list that identifies IP addresses as spam — in real-time

White list — a list that identifies IP addresses as safe and can be trusted

Dedupe — dedupe or deduplication refers to a data cleaning technique where duplicate data is removed from your contact list

List growth — attracting new people to sign up to your email list and thereby increasing your audience

List hygiene — keeping your email list clean by removing old/dead email addresses which could affect the deliverability of future emails

Segmentation — dividing (or segmenting) a mailing list based on specific characteristics such as purchasing behaviour, demographics and location for the purpose of targeting specific email campaigns to the audience most likely to respond.

1st party data — the good stuff, typically data collected by a brand or organisation about their audience.

3rd party data — typically data which is collected from a variety of sources, aggregated and then made available to customers

We blend the power of email, push notifications, in-app messaging and SMS to deliver unrivaled results.

Whether you need us to complement your internal team, a fully managed service, or require specialist consultation, get in touch to find out more.

