First impressions matter — Why you need a Welcome email

Welcome emails can be hugely powerful but are often overlooked.

Edward Grant
2 min readJun 6, 2022


How many times have you signed up for a newsletter and then heard nothing for weeks or even months?

A Welcome email doesn’t just act as a quick ‘thank you’, a well-thought-out, well-designed email with clear signposting and CTA’s can set the tone for future emails and allows you to begin to understand what your customers want from the relationship.

  • It’s the polite thing to do: Saying Thank you and acknowledging that someone has just signed up to receive your emails is not only polite but it’s also reassuring and indicates that this is the beginning of an ongoing relationship.
  • Don’t wait: Send your Welcome email in real-time rather than as a bulk send. Real-time Welcomes have significantly higher open and engagement rates than bulk sends, 30% and 18% higher* respectively.
  • Set expectations: Start as you mean to go on by setting the right expectation, personalise your Welcome email and explain to customers what they can expect to receive, introduce your brand and get across your brands personality to allow customers to feel part of a community.
  • Learn about your users: Relevancy is key when it comes to communicating so learn as much as you can, as quickly as you can. Encourage customers to tell you about themselves by including a Preference centre CTA. The more data you can capture the easier it is to create highly personalised customer experiences.
  • You would be crazy not to: Welcome emails have a 91% open rate.** Welcome emails, on average generate 320% more revenue (per email) than promotional emails.*** 74% of new subscribers expect to receive a welcome email as soon as they subscribe.****

We blend the power of email, push notifications, in-app messaging and SMS to deliver unrivaled results.

Whether you need us to complement your internal team, a fully managed service, or require specialist consultation, get in touch to find out more.

*The Welcome email report, Experian


*** Invesp

**** Wordstream

