Holographic communication gets a boost

Rémi Rousseau
2 min readSep 16, 2016


LRM and a group of angels invest 1M€ in Mimesys

You know how Hollywood is pretty good at predicting the future of communication? 2001, a space Odissey predicted Facetime, and Star Wars predicted Holographic communication.

At Mimesys, we want to make this future happen. Because we’re convinced that the future of telecommunication, business collaboration and social media can’t be just emojis, but a shared feeling of physical presence, empathy and engagement.

The remote meeting of the future (virtual doughnuts not included)

We announce today that we raised 1M€ from LRM and a group of business angels lead by Koen Desmedt and Frank Bekkers to help us succeed and make holocom a reality for the world.

These funds will help us accelerate the development of our first product, Mimesys Connect, a VR and AR collaboration app for enterprise that reimagines how remote collaboration is done.

If you’re interested by our technology or want to join this great adventure (I’m looking at you, CUDA expert!) , please contact us at contact@mimesysvr.com

because commuting from galaxy to galaxy is such a waste of time

