Sumaiyah Eliase
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2016

When like minded people meet, great things can happen. The challenge, however, is finding a time to meet — that’s why we built Evie.

Here are 3 tips from our power users to help Evie help you and make the whole process seamless.

Filter your invitees with the ‘to’ and ‘cc’ email fields

Let’s face it, not everyone invited to a meeting absolutely needs to attend.

When Evie receives your email, she will immediately understand that anyone in the ‘To’ field is a required attendee, while everyone in the ‘Cc’ field is an optional invitee. Evie will ensure that required invitees are able to attend your meeting, while optional invitees are kept up to date about the meeting time and venue so they can attend if they choose to.

Let Evie do the timezone math

You’re in Singapore and your business partner is in New York. Planning those calls is set to be a pain.

It doesn’t have to be though. Just tell Evie the city in the world your partner is in, and she’ll figure out a reasonable hour for the two of you. She will also present the time in both time zones, preventing any conversion confusion.

Decide on your meeting venue in advance

It is always a good practice to fix the venue of the meeting beforehand. Be sure to let Evie know where you’d prefer to meet. This enables Evie to not only include location details in the calendar invite, but also plan your meetings in such a way that optimizes the travel time. So that it won’t feel like you’re running the Amazing Race.

Do you have an Evie #protip? Tweet it, tag us @mimeticdotai and we might just feature yours here!

