Hard Work Pays Off

Chelsea Mansour
Mimi Monday
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2016

We are nearing the end of the layup with Mimi.

She really is sweeter than molasses

So it’s been awhile. A girl can only write so much about a laid-up horse! I have some great news to share though.

After 4 shockwave treatments, 3 PRP injections, and 10 PEMF treatments, icing, wrapping, not wrapping, and everything in between, the vet reported this week that Mimi’s tendon looks almost completely healed.

August 19 was the diagnosis date. She had a predicted 4 month layup. That is almost half of the predicted time. We are stoked! The vet and I agreed to do an ultrasound in the middle of November to confirm that we are healed and ready to go back to work.

Mimi has been exceptionally easy to handle during this process. The only time she actually gets fresh is if we are hand walking in the arena. So we don’t. Ponying in the arena is no problem. That will help a lot for legging her back up.

We walk around the barn. We walk over the trail bridge and poles. We play with the big blue barrel, visit other horses, and have long grooming sessions. I practice my bodywork techniques on her. We sit and hang out. I try to keep her mentally healthy.

She is blessed with a level, kind, sweet personality. She knows she's not allowed to run around right now.

Cross your fingers for us in November! I will post the results!

Until then, happy riding!



Chelsea Mansour
Mimi Monday

#Science rules! Director of Sales @PulsedEnergyTechnologies, Owner, Electric Cowgirl, LLC. Total #nerd. Does her homework.