The Birds, the Bees, and the Merkle Trees Ep[1]: Hashing Things Out

Forrest Marshall
MIMIR Blockchain Publication
8 min readOct 18, 2017

This is episode 1 of ‘The birds, the bees, and the merkle trees’, a developer-focused educational series on blockchain technology. The purpose of this series is to give a bottom-up view of how blockchains work, by experimenting with and building core blockchain technologies. This series is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as advice or recommendations concerning best-practices for security, cryptography, etc… This series is developed openly on github, at forrest-marshall/bbmt-blog.


In episode zero I introduced the goal for this series: to explore blockchain technology from the ground up by building toy versions of the foundational systems and structures that make blockchains possible. I gave a brief introduction to the properties that make blockchains interesting and useful, as well as my thoughts on why a bottom-up view of blockchain technology is important.

In this episode, we will begin meeting the family of cryptographic tools that we will use throughout this series. Don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with cryptography at all; we’ll start from the beginning.

[Cryptography] is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties… — Wikipedia

Cryptography has its roots in secrets; early cryptography dealt primarily with how to keep secrets such that only the intended parties could read them. Cryptography was typically the domain of spies, military leaders, and the like. In more recent times, cryptography has branched out significantly to encompass just about any concern related to passing information in an adversarial scenario. Most people use a significant amount of cryptography every day, even if they are not aware of it. Cryptography guards the integrity of software updates, assures us that the websites that we visit are who they claim to be, and is integral to the functioning of all digital financial systems, blockchain or otherwise.

Blockchain technology isn’t actually very ideal for keeping secrets. There are ways to do it, but the core value-proposition of a blockchain is its ability to ensure the integrity of a system’s information. There is nothing which prevents blockchains from housing secrets, but it isn’t their strength, and, in some cases, storing secrets on a blockchain can actually be a very bad idea (we will discuss this further at a later time). Since integrity is the core goal, we will focus on the cryptographic tools that allow us to ensure integrity. Two key challenges arise when we want to secure a system against invalid state or inputs: ensuring the accuracy of information within the system, and validating the identity of actors within the system. We will focus on the first problem for this episode, and tackle the second problem in the next episode.


If you are planning to follow along with examples, make sure that you have installed Rust, as well as its associated package-manager cargo (covered in episode zero). If you are not following along, you can safely skip this section.

The cargo package-manager includes a set of helpful commands for instantiating, building, and running Rust projects. Create a new binary (executable) project with cargo new ep1-examples --bin. This command will create the following file-structure:

├── Cargo.toml
└── src/

The Cargo.toml file specifies dependencies, as well as the name and authorship of the project. The file is the core of our program, and is instantiated with the following code by default:

If you cd into the main project directory and execute cargo run, the project should compile and print out Hello, world!.

For this demonstration we will need to use one dependency, the eth-crypto crate (Rust refers to its libraries as "crates", in keeping with Rust's industrially inspired naming system). Tell cargo where to acquire the dependency by adding the following line to the Cargo.toml file under the [dependencies] section:

Once the dependency has been listed, we can bring it into scope within our code by adding these lines to the top of the file:

The extern crate line tells the compiler to look for a crate named eth_crypto. Once a crate has been brought into scope, we can import items from the crate with use statements. In our case, we are importing the entire contents of of the prelude module, which contains most of the commonly used types and functions from this library. The use of a prelude module as a shortcut for importing a library's most commonly used elements is a very common pattern in Rust.

Cryptographic Hashing Functions

The general definition of a hashing function is a function which produces a fixed-size output for an arbitrary sized input. A simple example of this property would be a function which divides any whole number by 2 and returns the remainder of the division. The output of this function would always be either 0 or 1, regardless of the size of the input number. The output of this function is also deterministic, meaning that it will always produce the same output for a given input.

Cryptographic hashing functions are a special subset of hashing functions which are suitable for use in cryptography. The goal of a cryptographic hashing function is to be a one-way function. This means that it should, in theory, be impossible to reverse a hashing function and thereby determine what input values produced a given output. Furthermore, it should be infeasible to find two similar inputs which produce the same output (an event referred to as a “collision”). If built correctly, a cryptographic hashing function can be thought of as a finger-printer for data. If a piece of data produces a given output, that output serves as a unique identifier for the data. If the data is tampered with in any way, it will no longer match the original hash, and can easily be shown to be invalid.

The eth-crypto crate uses the keccak-256 hashing function, which is the default hashing function used by the Ethereum Virtual Machine. The keccak-256 hashing function produces a 256 bit output value, and is generally considered, as of the time of writing, a secure and reliable hasher. Lets take a look at the difference between two similar inputs:

Adding the above code to your main function and running the new code (cargo run) should produce this output:

So, what did we just do here? First, we declared a mutable array of bytes. For security and optimization reasons, Rust always forces us to be explicit about wanting to be able to mutate (modify) any variables that we declare. Next, we pass an immutable reference to the array into the hash function, saving the output. Immutable references, indicated by the & symbol, allow a function to temporarily read a piece of data without allowing the function to modify that data, another key element in Rust's security and safety guarantees. The third line is where things get interesting. By changing the first byte of the array from 1 to 0, we have actually only modified a single binary bit. A byte of value 1 is represented in binary as 00000001. A byte of value 0 is, unsurprisingly, represented as 00000000. After flipping this bit, we hash again. When we print out the two hashes, we see that the two values are wildly different even though their respective inputs only differed by a single bit. This is the real magic of a cryptographic hashing algorithm; the apparent difference or similarity of two inputs has no correlation with the difference or similarity of their respective outputs.

Hashing in the Wild

The above example demonstrated an important property, but it wasn’t particularly interesting or useful. Lets take a look at how we might use hashing to build a rudimentary cryptographic trust protocol. Suppose Alice has a secret clubhouse. Anyone who knows the password may enter the clubhouse. Bob believes he knows the password, and wants to enter the clubhouse. Unfortunately, Eve is outside the clubhouse listening, so Bob cannot simply speak the password. Alice could just ask Bob for the hash of the password, but if she did that then Eve could use the hash to get in via the same system. How can Alice check if Bob knows the password without making the clubhouse vulnerable to Eve?


So what exactly does the above function do? It takes two strings, password and challenge, and a hash named response. The function returns a bool (true/false) value, indicated by the -> operator. Internally, we are hashing the password and challenge strings together by passing them to hash_many inside of a reference to an array. We then check whether or not the hash we produced is equal to the response hash. Note that the function is returning the result of the == comparison operator automatically. If the last line of a function does not end with a semi-colon, Rust infers that the value of that expression is the value to return.

The solution is to have Alice provide a randomly generated challenge phrase. Bob can hash the password and the challenge phrase together. This will allow Alice to easily check if Bob knows the password, but won’t provide Eve with any information that she could use to enter the clubhouse by the same process. If we model the entire process in code, it looks like this:

The above process is not wholly dissimilar from how user passwords are stored in many systems. Storing a password is very dangerous, as any party which gained access to the system could read all the passwords. Instead of storing the password itself, a random value known as a ‘salt’ is stored along with a hash of the salt and password combined. This allows a password to be verified without needing to save the password itself to disk. The randomness of the salt prevents attackers from using a pre-computed database of the hashes of common passwords to attempt to determine the password that is in use.


Cryptographic tools give us the ability to secure information and information-based systems against malicious actors. Different cryptographic tools are useful for different kinds of securement. Cryptographic hashing functions offer us the ability to uniquely identify information in a manner which is incredibly difficult to forge or reverse. With a little creativity, hashing can be used to secure systems from many different threats, including tampering, forgery, and surveillance. In a future episode we will learn about how hashing may even be used to measure investment of computational resources.

Up Next

In the next episode we will be discussing identity-based cryptography. We will experiment with Elliptic Curve Cryptography to generate secure digital signatures, and look at how digital signature algorithms allow us to make secure public identities and accounts.



Forrest Marshall
MIMIR Blockchain Publication

Open-Source enthusiast, crypto nerd, and Co-Founder & Software Architect at Mimir Blockchain Solutions.