Why Bitcoin Investors Need To Focus On The Bull Market Case, Not The Bull

Nicolas Fierro
MIMIR Blockchain Publication
4 min readSep 20, 2017

In market trends, the terms Bull and Bear are used exhaustingly. The Bull market is one where prices go up, attracting buying. The differs greatly than the Bear market, a period met with heavy selling. These are speculative actions, based on fear or excitement, sometimes both.

We, being logical beings, have the ability to distinguish between when our decisions are rational or emotional in nature (or at least we should). This compares with the world of social media where watching the news feed is loitered with opinions that sometimes mask the truth from fake news. You read a lot of hype/FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt) from individuals whom are misinformed, or worse, those who stand to benefit financially from such scare tactics. Whatever the case may be, it has to be your choice to dig a little deeper, and come to your own conclusions; to stay informed, educated, and use whatever filter necessary to sort out what is true and what is not.

I’m not certified to give investment advice but I can attempt to point you toward what I believe is the right path based on years of research, experience, and critical thinking. So here goes.

In 1976, Ronald Wayne was one of the founders of Apple, Inc. Just 12 days after it started, he sold his 10% share of the company for a mere $800. Today, that would be worth upward of $60 Billion Dollars (yes, that’s ‘Billion’ with a ‘B’!). It’s almost unimaginable to consider the difference.

Why do I bring that example up? Consider this: There have been recent examples of poor investment decisions seen in the last few years which are eerily similar to what we have seen over the last month. Stay with me here.

The first time china ‘baned’ bitcoin in 2013:

Recently, China has banned ICO’s, very reminiscent of the Bitcoin ban in 2014. These technologies are improving and growing, and given the operation of local exchanges and cryptocurrency project NEO , it seems that they could be isolating economically from the rest of the blockchain world while they figure out how to regulate. I don’t believe it would be in the best economic interest for China to isolate entirely and miss out on reaping the benefits of this growing market. That would be absurd.

Moving on to something that really came as a shock to me. On September 12th, J.P. Morgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon says bitcoin “is a fraud.” and “It’s just not a real thing, eventually it will be closed.” It caused a 10% drop in the market price; and inside J.P. Morgan’s blockchain department:

I have to ask you again, to pass this information through your mental filters. An important question to ask, is Cui bono or for whose benefit? Understanding motive can help understand reason. Just a couple of days after Dimon’s statement, this occurred:

Before you rush to conclusions, just take a moment to consider every angle. It was said well in a recent Game of Thrones episode by Littlefinger, Peter Baelish, “fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before.”

Inform and educate now, and you will become aware. Awareness will be your torch to navigate the darkness. It could also bring you into the light of the next bull market, despite the bull all around us.

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