9 Signs You’re a Tech Intern at Mimir

Geralyn Denger
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2017
  1. Your monitor-game is on point

When entering the office you will look for tufts of hair poking above a sea of monitors to see who has already arrived.

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2. Memes follow most conversations

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3. Succulents are everywhere

Every meeting becomes more engaging when we assess plant vitals beforehand. We even have a voluntary succulent handler.

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4. No one likes coffee

Just kidding. All we do is drink coffee.

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5. The kitchen contains nootropics/energy drinks/probiotics

Mimir randomly receives neuroenhancement samples. Interns are obligated* to test them out.

*Note: in no way are interns required or pressured to take neuroenhancements.

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6. Startup swag

You know you’re really under Mimir’s fold when you get a branded t-shirt, hoodie, water bottle, notebook, pens, stickers, and fidget spinner.

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7. Food frenzy

Other than coffee, we are easily motivated by food. Cluster Truck, City Market, the farmer’s market, snacks, and Chick-fil-a are a few of our favorites.

Original meme by Cole Johnson

8. Libations

Every Friday our entire team gathers for an end-of-day meeting. This is where brewskis (or La Croix) and are shared and company highlights are covered.

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9. The experience is fulfilling and rewarding

Tech startups are rumored to be riddled with fun and spontaneity, we carry our weight to help make Mimir successful.

Part of the Mimir team at INX3 held at Union 525 on Wednesday, June 14, 2017.

This article was collaboratively written by Mimir’s 2017 summer Xterns (Geri Denger, Natalie Stephenson and Cole Johnson).



Geralyn Denger
Writer for

Outreach and Engagement intern at Mimir. Xtern at Techpoint. Purdue University class of 2018. Aspiring law student. Indianapolis, IN.