Computer Science Professors Build Education Portfolios With Mimir Classroom

JB Rapp
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2017
Original graphic by Ben Alderfer — Mimir

What is a professional portfolio?

A marketing brochure for the services you’re selling. By showcasing your skills, abilities, and achievements, your portfolio helps your customers (employers) and prospects (your potential future employers) understand what services you provide and why they are special. As a professional (regardless of your field), you are a business of one. (source)

A professional portfolio is a necessary tool when preparing for a job interview, performance review, or to create an archive of one’s relevant work.

While attending Indiana University for my undergraduate degree I was enrolled in a marketing course led by Instructor Ann Bastianelli. Bastianelli has built a legacy of award-winning advertising campaigns for McDonald’s Happy Meals, Eggo Waffles, Scrubbing Bubbles, and Dow Bathroom Cleaner.

Her strong professional portfolio made lectures not only relevant, but memorable. Her classes were challenged to study and analyze from material she had crafted personally and professionally and her course content was so robust that she could teach for the rest of her life and never have two identical semesters.

Bastianelli’s professional portfolio is second to none, but how does this relate to Mimir?

Like Bastianelli, computer science instructors need a professional portfolio too. When computer science instructors populate their coursework on Mimir Classroom, the contents within the platform become a centralized portfolio. Instructors then have an organized repository for course assignments, quizzes, and tests. The cloud-based platform stores assets like:

1. Individual programming projects, group programming projects, and test cases. Mimir Classroom supports more than 40 languages and additional databases and frameworks. The platform’s extensive library of languages and various test case types support high school courses to 400-level operating system courses.

2. Short assignment types such as code questions, multiple choice, true or false, and short answer are great for quizzes and short homework assignments.

3.Supplemental course documents that detail coding projects, guidelines, and external resources.

As a computer science instructor builds a strong portfolio on Mimir Classroom, they are also enhancing the student experience. An improved student experience then leads to stronger course reviews and greater course retention.

The platform is ideal for instructors looking to:

Create, update, and save time

Instructors may create a course within Mimir Classroom and build or add all assignments, quizzes, and tests. Moving forward, they can utilize the project library for future courses. Additionally, once projects have been created and configured properly, they can be graded and checked for plagiarism in a matter of seconds which relieves instructors of repetitive grading. Our motto — teach more, grade less!

Drive collaboration

Collateral on the platform created by an instructor can be shared cross-departmentally or with colleagues. This is especially useful when there are multiple instructors teaching an entry-level course within a school. Collectively, their contributions help build a stronger curriculum.

Measure success

Instructors can view data and analytics on individual students and courses. Instructors can then utilize this data to reiterate concepts, hone in on strengths and weaknesses of students, and modify their course delivery in real time.

Maintain a course repository

Contingent on an individual school’s bylaws, an instructor may showcase their coursework in their professional portfolio. Even if the exact course work cannot be recycled, tangible metrics and takeaways help supplement the story told on a resume.



JB Rapp
Writer for

Outreach and Engagement Specialist @ Mimir.