How has the Internet changed in the last 30 years, what is wrong with it and how Mimirium Network can fix that

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5 min readMar 14, 2019

Back in 1989 Tim Berner’s Lee implemented the first successful communication between an HTTP client and a server via the Internet. This could be considered to have given the start of a new information era driven by the thing called — The Internet. This year (2019) marks 30 years since the creation of the World Wide Web. There’s no doubt that we have seen such an evolvement and improvement of the Web, but is it the best it can be? Is it what the creator imagined it could one day become?

Almost 50% of the population on the planet Earth is using the Internet, with the goal to get the “other half” online, as it is unfair that they don’t yet have access to it. And why is it unfair?

The benefits from the Internet:

  • Information, productivity, knowledge, education — The internet contains an endless supply of informatin that allows people to learn almost anything they are interested in. There are millions of how-to videos, specialized tutorials, courses, seminars and even whole educational programs.
  • Communication, socializing — The internet digitalized the mailing services, reducing the time waiting by seconds — you get your mail/message from other people instantenously. It gives opportunity to quickly share experiences, thoughts, pictures, videos with friends and the whole world.
  • Mapping — The internet gives you a quick solution to navigate yourself almost anywhere in the world. It helps you identify your location and gives you directions to where you’d like to go. It helps you look up and search for businesses near you and places you’d like to visit.
  • Shopping and banking — The internet gives you the ability to browse online stores and make purchases. It gives you access to your bankings and saves you the time to go to a banking institution to transfer money.
  • Selling — The internet enables a new way of making a living. The internet gives people a new way of reaching new audiences. People can now list their items, crafts, services and sell them on the global market. This enforces the globalization — work from home, remote workers, collaboration.
  • Donations and funding — The internet gives you the ability to have access to a much wider audience. It can enforce a better funding for charity, funding projects and donating and supporting causes.
  • Entertainment — The internet collects and gives access to an endless supply of entertainment. People watch videos, movies, lsiten to music, play games and much more.

It is indeed starting to sound unfair that some people don’t have access to the Internet. But each good thing has its bad sides. As the founder of the World Wide Web shared with us at the Celebration of 30th Anniversary of the Web, he said that the web “is not what we wanted.”

What is wrong with it:

  • Communication, socializing — The internet has turned into a surveillance platform — each email and message is tracked, stored, analyzed from big companies such as Facebook and Google.
  • Mapping — People are being tracked and monitored, geolocation data is stored and used by big companies.
  • Shopping and banking — The generated financial data is tracked. People’s online purchasing behavior is also tracked.
  • Entertainment — User behavior, interests, hobbies — all this is tracked on personal level.

“All in all, the Internet has become a big surveillance platform that allows big players to gather user data and to sell it to businesses.”

Where did the good intention go?

People are being treated as products. And recently the new mantra “Data is the new oil” emerged. “It is not oil, it is not a commodity” — says contrary to this statement Tim Berner’s Lee.

“People should have complete control of their data.”

That is exactly what we at Mimirium stand for — complete control of user data given to the users. It solves the current problem that personal data is being bought and sold without the consent of the users. As Tim Berner’s Lee suggests — personal data should be stored separately from the app or website.

That’s why Mimirium software allows the personal data to be stored on users’ devices. Once the user has Mimirium software installed, it can track each relevant action and store it safely on the user’s device. It can have more complete information on users even than Amazon, because it takes all actions in different apps and combines them in a single profile. But the big difference is that all information is owned by the user, stored on user’s device and is solely in control of the user.

And users can decide where and how would they share their personal information.

How does this work?

Mimirium software is installed on the user device and it stores the user data locally on the device. The locally stored data is encrypted and in control of the user.

While browsing the Internet, users generate a data flow of each action they take. Instead of sending this data to 3rd parties, it will be stored in their personal device. And they will have the control of deciding whether it leaves their device or not, and which information exactly they would like to share with 3rd parties.

Raw user data never leaves users’ device. The data is processed locally and secured by using Homomorphic Encryption (PHE), Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and Secure Multiparty Computation (SMC) technologies. This means that when the data is requested from a business (or another 3rd party) only aggregated and anonymized information is shared.

In simple words, 3rd parties will not receive any raw data and will not be able to identify who is the owner of this data.

By using Mimirium users are not a “product” anymore. Users become data owners who should be incentivised to share even a fraction of their data.

Tim Berner’s Lee is optimistic that the problem of data ownership could be fixed — so are we at Mimirium. We have taken the challenge and we proudly stand for changing the web for the better for the next decades.

As Tim Berner’s Lee says:

“If we give up on building a better web now, then the web will not have failed us. We will have failed the web.”

Mimirium strives to not fail the web!

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We develop data analytics software with focus on user privacy and right to control his data: