Mind AI
Mind AI
Published in
3 min readApr 6, 2020

Mind AI can be seen based on 3 aspects of CORE VALUE. That is, it is innovative, democratic, and contributory to the humanity.

First, the value of innovation Mind AI has can be comprehended from a technological perspective.

Mind AI has invented “A New Symbolic Paradigm” to overcome critical shortcomings that other AI firms are suffering from in unawareness of causes of the outcomes they draw from their Deep Learning — Neural Network Technology. This strength of Mind AI makes it possible to verify what logic the outcome has entailed by tracking back to the causes of the derived outcomes.

Canonical structure

Also, Mind AI has developed its own artificial intelligence capable of logical reasoning based on inductive, deductive, and abductive reasonings, by which human beings reach logical reasoning in general, and it has also formulated the Canonical to enable these 3 reasoning processes, which is composed of numerous nodes and links and serves as the fundamental driving force of the Mind AI engine.

This logical reasoning process of Mind AI ensures apparent operations in that it is grounded on the Canonical structure that allows for human comprehension, and its symbol-based meaning inference helps it to apply to all areas of human understanding. And it can construct ontology in human language with one data and one education. Therefore, because it performs logical inference based on this ontology, it has a great advantage that it does not require a large amount of data unlike other AI companies.

What is Ontology?

Here, This verifies how democratic Mind AI is meant to be, its second remarkable aspect.

Ontology refers to a fuel that supplies energy to Mind AI’s reasoning engine. This engine utilizes high-level, general ontology as its general knowledge (common sense), which can also apply to other domains or industries.

Ontology is formed by a number of participants with different nationalities, cultures, and religions, in a crowdsourcing way. The crowdsourced ontology does not belong to a single unit but to the participants’ communities so that any researchers, linguists, or engineers can contextualize it according to their needs.

When developers approach the ontology database to use Mind AI API, they are required to pay Mind AI the OMAI tokens, some of which are in turn returned to ontologists as an incentive. This ontology creation and usage process is called the Mind AI ecosystem. Ontology needs to stay unchangeable as to its records since it necessitates them in learning even from “bad” ontologists. It also helps construct a global compensation system with economy, promptness, and no boundary in the world of slow, complicated payment system. It also has to be democratic for the sake of distributions of the compensation and polling from ontology communities.

Finally, Mind AI is not meant to replace human standings in any industries but create a better world where humans and AI work in harmony, which indicates how focused it is on morality.

The ethics commission for the ontology mentioned earlier has been elected by the Mind AI global community. This commission is going to collaborate with Mind AI to formulate a reliable system to prevent relevant technologies and database from being misused. The Mind AI foundation, located in Liechtenstein, also puts emphasis on human ethics and aims to ensure a healthy development in the Mind AI ecology in conjunction with governments and other authorities.

As such, the three aspects of CORE VALUE are not distant from one another as separate elements but consolidate all of the Mind AI value sets through positive interaction between them. This strength distinguishes Mind AI from other ordinary AI firms in technological and social terms, which serves as Pioneering the Third Wave of AI to contribute to advancement of the humanity and enable Mind AI to become one step closer to what AI is truly supposed to be.

