5 Ways to Get Whatever You Want Using Law of Attraction

Peter Paxton
Mind Altar
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2021

The initial step to use the law of attraction for manifesting whatever you want is to challenge lack of thinking ability and move to think more positively. But you should never stop there. The law of attraction never works like magic. Everyone comes with restricted beliefs, blocks, and fears that can never get changed overnight. However, suppose you wish to excel at manifesting by using the law of attraction. In that case, you must undo all negative approaches present in your subconscious mind and replace all of them with highly empowering ones. It will never be effortless, but here are five ways you will implement now to begin using the law of attraction to get whatever you want.

Keep track of whatever you are focussed on: Begin by tracking what you are focussing on instinctively. Find out if you are alert of whatever is happening in your life now; be it right or wrong. While working on dream manifestation, many challenges and obstacles will be coming in your path inevitably. But once you start focussing on whatever is correct, then you will be becoming more like a strong problem solver, and your obstacles and challenges can be moved and faced quickly.

  • Maintain a list of worries: You will always incline to worry. To get rid of such a habit, maintain a list of all your worries for 2–3 weeks. Write down everything that worries you. You will be getting help to release all heavy energy that mostly keeps you stuck by practicing this. You will also get a chance to review all your worries and find out whether they were warranted. You will then get proof that it is a complete waste of energy to worry often.
  • Note down all your aims and connect to them: If you note down all your aims, then it aids you in having a clear idea, and you will be able to take a lot of inspired steps. Ensure that you are connected to them when you move towards achieving your aims, and you get the feeling that you hope will be there when your aim is achieved.
  • Imagine how it will appear when your dreams are achieved: After noting down all your aims and connecting with them, start reading from the list first in the morning and then at night before you go to bed daily. Keep some minutes aside each day. Try visualizing and connecting with the exact feeling of accomplishing your dreams.
  • Perceive as if you are already having what you dreamt of: Perceiving is actually believing. Allow all visualizations to take you somewhere where all went your way. Try to be alert to each detail, such as how the world looks, senses, and sounds. Doing this will be assisting you in generating a lot of positivity and thrill and encourage you to take more inspired steps to achieve your dreams.

Regardless of if you are subscribing to the principles of the law of attraction, implementing all such habits will be aiding you to be clear on what you want and assist you in achieving it.



Peter Paxton
Mind Altar

Mental Health Coach, Growth Hacker and Mindset Trainer.