Discovering Anomalies with MAD: The Secret Sauce for Accurate Data Analysis

Mind and Machine
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2024

In today’s data-driven world, detecting anomalies — those unexpected blips in data that could indicate anything from errors to potential fraud — is crucial for businesses. One powerful yet simple tool in the arsenal of data scientists and analysts is the Minimum Average Deviation (MAD). Let’s dive into how MAD works and why it’s so effective in spotting irregularities in your data.

What is MAD?

MAD stands for Minimum Average Deviation, a statistical measure that helps identify anomalies in a dataset. Unlike some complex algorithms, MAD is easy to understand and implement, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced data professionals.

Why Use MAD?

Anomalies in data can point to errors, unusual events, or even fraudulent activities. Detecting these anomalies early allows businesses to take corrective actions, ensuring data integrity and operational efficiency. MAD is particularly useful because it is robust against outliers and provides a straightforward method for spotting deviations from the norm.

How Does MAD Work?

Let’s break down the MAD algorithm into simple steps:

  1. Collect Your Data: Start with a set of data points you want to analyze. For instance, imagine you’re looking at the monthly sales figures for a store.
  2. Calculate the Median: Find the median of your dataset. The median is the middle value when all data points are sorted in order. It’s less affected by extreme values compared to the mean.
  3. Compute Absolute Deviations: Calculate how far each data point is from the median. This distance is called the absolute deviation. For example, if the median salary is $3050, and one salary is $3000, the absolute deviation is $50.
  4. Find the MAD: The MAD is the median of all these absolute deviations. This gives you a measure of the typical deviation from the median in your dataset. For instance, if the deviations are $50, $0, $50, $150, $1950, $50, $0, and $50, the MAD would be $50.
  5. Identify Anomalies: Set a threshold to determine what counts as an anomaly. Data points that deviate from the median by more than a set multiple of the MAD are flagged as anomalies. A common threshold is three times the MAD. So, if the MAD is $50, any data point that deviates by more than $150 from the median is considered an anomaly.

An Example in Action

Imagine you’re analyzing the monthly salary payments for employees at a company. Typically, salaries don’t change drastically from month to month. However, one month you notice a significantly higher payment for an employee. Using the MAD algorithm, this outlier would be flagged for further investigation.


Data Collection:

  • Salaries: $3000, $3050, $3100, $3200, $5000, $3100, $3050, $3000

Calculate the Median:

  • Median Salary: $3050

Compute Absolute Deviations:

  • Absolute Deviations: $50, $0, $50, $150, $1950, $50, $0, $50

Find the MAD:

  • Median of Absolute Deviations: $50

Identify Anomalies:

  • Threshold for Anomalies: $150 (3 times the MAD)
  • Flagged Anomaly: The salary of $5000 is flagged because it deviates from the median by $1950, which is greater than the threshold of $150.

This flagged data point (the salary of $5000) can then be reviewed to see if it was an error (e.g., double payment) or a legitimate exception (e.g., bonus payment).

Why MAD is a Game-Changer

  1. Simplicity: MAD is straightforward to calculate and understand, making it accessible for anyone with basic statistical knowledge.
  2. Robustness: Unlike the mean, the median is not influenced by outliers, making MAD a reliable measure for detecting anomalies.
  3. Effectiveness: By focusing on deviations from the median, MAD effectively highlights significant anomalies without being swayed by minor fluctuations.

Bringing MAD to Your Business

Implementing MAD in your data analysis toolkit can provide early warnings of potential issues, ensuring data accuracy and operational efficiency. Whether you’re monitoring payroll, sales, or any other critical business metric, MAD helps keep your data clean and reliable.

So next time you’re faced with a sea of data, remember the power of MAD. With just a few simple calculations, you can spot anomalies and make informed decisions to keep your business running smoothly.

Happy data diving!



Mind and Machine

Brussels-based blockchain/AI expert. Specializes in data analytics, data modeling, AI & Automation. Passionate about books, food, and writing on Medium.