Trust or Distrust: Bridging AI and Blockchain

Mind and Machine
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2023

“Blockchain or No Blockchain,” a modern-day echo of the iconic quote “To be or not to be” from Shakespeare’s renowned play “Hamlet,” may be gaining relevance once more in the context of building Trusted AI systems within the realm of Blockchain technology.

In recent times, a pair of innovative technologies — Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain — have transformed the way we work and think. It is virtually indisputable that these advancements will play a significant role in molding our future, but the question remains: where do we currently stand?

The term “Blockchain” can be quite complex on its own, so much so that I sought the help of ChatGPT to break down the concept of blockchain in a way a 10-year-old could understand.

“Hello, can you break down the concept of blockchain in a way a 10-year-old could understand”

“Hey there! Sure, I can help you understand blockchain in a simple way.

Imagine a digital notebook that everyone can see and add notes to, but no one can erase or change any of the notes once they are written. Each page in the notebook is like a block, and all the pages together make up the whole notebook, which is the blockchain.

Every time someone wants to add a new note, they need to solve a puzzle that the whole class can check. Once the puzzle is solved, the new note is added to the latest page (block), and everyone in the class can see it. If the page gets full, a new page (block) is started.

This digital notebook is super safe because if someone tries to change a note, the whole class will notice and won’t let it happen. That’s why blockchain is so secure and can be used for things like money, contracts, and other important stuff.

In summary, a blockchain is a digital notebook made up of pages (blocks) where everyone can see and add notes, but no one can change or erase the notes once they’re written.”

Let’s explore into a specific type of Artificial Intelligence that has recently piqued people’s interest: Generative AI and Large Language Models. You might be curious about what a Large Language Model is, the role that datasets play, and how these components relate to the digital ledger (or digital notebook) commonly known as Blockchain.

Let’s think of a smart robot friend (AI) and its special type that’s good with words (LLM). To learn, the robot needs a big library filled with information (datasets). But sometimes, it’s important to make sure that the information in the library is true and trustworthy.

Now, let’s bring in the digital notebook (blockchain) that is safe, shared, and can’t be changed. This digital notebook can help us make sure the information in the library (datasets) is trustworthy.

Here’s how the relationship between the digital notebook and the datasets works: When people add new information to the library (datasets), they also write it down in the digital notebook (blockchain). Since the notebook is very safe and can’t be changed, everyone can trust that the information in it is true. This way, when the robot friend (AI) learns from the library (datasets), it knows that it’s learning from a trustworthy source.

“So, the digital notebook (blockchain) helps make the datasets more trustworthy for our robot friend (AI) by keeping a safe, unchangeable record of the information. This helps the AI and LLM make better decisions and be more reliable.”

In my upcoming article, we will delve deeper into the technical aspects by examining each of the individual components. A preview of these components can be found in the Mindmap below.

Mindmap generated by Maermaid JS
MIndmap generated by Mermaid JS



Mind and Machine

Brussels-based blockchain/AI expert. Specializes in data analytics, data modeling, AI & Automation. Passionate about books, food, and writing on Medium.