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Align Your Chakras with the Rainbow
A colorful guided meditation
Everything is energy. What we perceive as solid matter is simply energy moving slowly.
Different types of energy move at different frequencies.
Colors, for instance, move at different frequencies, and that’s why the colors of the rainbow are in a specific order. Red is at the lowest part of the rainbow, then comes orange, then yellow. Then green, followed by blue, indigo, and violet at the top.
The Meditation
Please find a place where you can sit or lie comfortably for several minutes. Close your eyes, and turn your gaze inward. Take a moment to clear your thoughts. Let your breath move like waves through your body…pulling away from the shore on the inhale, and crashing onto the beach on the exhale.
The seven primary chakras in our body operate in just the same way as colors.
In your mind’s eye, visualize each chakra center lighting up its color as I speak it.
The root chakra (at the base of your spine) vibrates red.
The sacral chakra (just below your navel) vibrates orange.
The solar plexus chakra (in the center of your abdomen) vibrates yellow.