My 60 Days Fitness Challenge — Week 9

How did days 57 to 60 go?

Benny Lim
Mind | Body | Soul
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2020


I’m now into the second week of my country’s partial lockdown or as they call it, the Movement Control Order (MCO), which also means that it’s the second week where I’m working from home and can’t go out unless to buy household necessities like food.

This week though was slightly different because unlike my previous weeks where I was able to log the entire week, I was only able to log 4 days for this week because on Thursday, it was 60 days from when I started this challenge.

The last 4 days consisted of only home workouts because of the MCO so let’s see how days 57 to 60 went.


Workouts : 20 minutes of bodyweight and 15 minutes of HIIT / 300 calories burned
Diet : Breakfast — Kaya paus / Lunch — Plain porridge / Dinner — Pasta
Rest : 7 hours of sleep


Workouts : 20 minutes of bodyweight and 15 minutes of HIIT / 300 calories burned
Diet : Breakfast — English breakfast / Lunch — Nasi lemak /…



Benny Lim
Mind | Body | Soul

Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time.