Source: Pxfuel

Re-evaluating The Rate Weight Loss and Weight Regain.

What you and I know are probably outdated by 40 years.

Published in
7 min readApr 9, 2020


According to standard practice, doctors typically recommend weight loss for those who have a BMI >30, or >25 if you have health issues like diabetes. Do not consider intensive weight loss if your BMI is not at least 25. Many people fear to embark on a weight loss journey because of the inevitable weight regain due to various reasons. What is the point of losing weight if our weight can bounce back?

We might have frequently heard of gradual weight loss is preferable over rapid weight loss as a slower and consistent change in lifestyle is more sustainable in the longer term. So, this made me wonder what the “normal” or “healthy” rate of weight loss is? How many kilograms per week can a person expect from weight loss, and so how much weight regain should be expected?

Many health professionals still believe rapid weight loss without using real food is a “crash diet” that results in rapid…

