Stay Fit As A Fiddle With These Amazing Home Workouts

For a healthier you during the lockdown

Isha Tewari Srivastava
Mind | Body | Soul
Published in
7 min readJul 16, 2020


Do we realise that the otherwise underrated form of exercise, namely walking, is now hugely absent from most of our lives ever since the pandemic struck us? Normally, an average adult leading a moderately active life walks around 5000 to 7000 steps a day, averaging around 2.5 miles or 4 kilometres.

That, to quite an extent, takes care of the immunity and metabolism, keeps energy levels high and also helps in shedding some calories. But staying indoors or being subject to restricted movement due to the pandemic, has put a halt to even this very basic form of exercise viz. walking, leave aside the advance forms performed at dedicated fitness centres.

Hence we need to be extra vigilant about our health and fitness. It is only too easy otherwise, in these testing times, to succumb to sloth and become a couch potato, or fall prey to stress and depression.

So what do we do? How do we burn the calories and release those ‘happy hormones’ viz dopamine, serotonin and endorphins to stay fit and balanced during this pandemic?

Well, you ARE enough! Quite literally, you can do wonders with your own bodyweight, if you use it appropriately. That’s what ‘home-workouts’ are all about.

Guess what, ‘home-workouts’ can be real fun, if we inject variety and spice in them. So I would like to take you through four different styles of ‘home-workouts’ which absolutely need no-equipment and are ideal for quarantine times. Even if you are too lazy or unmotivated, I’m sure you will still find something here that works for you. So, let's get rolling!


Photo by Haste LeArt V. from Pexels

Dance Cardio is the most enjoyable, relaxing and immersive form of Cardio workout possible. Those who enjoy dancing know how effective it is in releasing stress and elevating the mental state within minutes. When combined with Cardio, it brings to the table a host of benefits for physical and mental well-being.

This is the perfect option for those who are averse to high-intensity workouts and would rather shed calories in an enjoyable way. Though, as this is a light workout, the calories lost would be fewer than in more intense forms.


  • This form of workout helps tone muscles, improves co-ordination and rhythm, and boosts brain function.
  • It is a relaxing, mood elevating Cardio workout, which also helps burn calories.

Before You Start: Start slow, and increase the workout intensity gradually. And make sure you enjoy yourself!

Dance Cardio workouts are my favourite part of the workout schedule, for obvious reasons. These are great for days when laziness takes over and I am looking for something that’s enjoyable, yet a light workout.

For Her: This one by Pamela Reif is an absolute favourite, and whats unmissable is the super-cool 80’s playlist you will be grooving to.

For Him: For the guys, this one by Fit Seven Eleven is totally fun with some really interesting moves. Check it out!

So, just ditch the laziness and get grooving!

Calorie Meter: A 15 min Dance Cardio can burn approximately 100–130 calories.


Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

Walking is a low-impact light Cardio activity with numerous health benefits. A Step Challenge workout, which incorporates various moves into walking at-one-place, is the best way to compensate for the inability to walk around freely during the pandemic.

According to the research by Catrine Tudor-Locke of the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, who has been studying pedometer walking for years, 10000 steps a day is the point at which individuals can be categorised as ‘Active’.

Usually, this number is challenging to achieve, but doing this workout is a major step towards the goal.


  • This workout improves overall fitness by building strength, strengthening immune function and boosting cardiovascular health.
  • This is also a great way to reduce fat, tone the body, elevate mood and raise the energy levels.

Before You Start: This is a continuous workout and tends to get intense. So be prepared to keep up with the pace.

A Step-challenge workout is a great Cardio! Probably one of the best you can do being in one place.

For Her: Passionate fitness trainer, Joanna Soh inspires many, including me, in this 10000 Step challenge workout, which takes at least 30 minutes to complete. While 10000 steps a day is something any fitness enthusiast should aspire for, it is to be noted that the actual number of steps achieved by performing this workout is about 4000.

For Him: I would totally recommend this inspiring and fat-burning step workout by Body Project. It is a 30-minute low impact session which will definitely raise your energy levels.

Calorie Meter: A 30 min Step Challenge can burn approximately 210–300 calories.


Image by Welcome to all and thank you for your visit ! ツ from Pixabay

Power Yoga is a dynamic and vigorous vinyasa-style Yoga. It was conceptualised in the mid-1990s, almost simultaneously by two Americans yoga teachers located on opposite coasts. It is more fluid than Ashtanga-Yoga, of which it is an off-shoot. Power yoga is all about performing a series of poses or asanas in a lively sequence, with a goal of achieving weight loss and improving overall health and wellbeing.


  • Increases flexibility, improves circulation and immune system function, good for the heart, strengthens muscles, bones and joints.
  • Helps releases stress and toxins through sweat; being more dynamic than traditional forms of yoga it helps with weight loss.

Before You Start: For Power Yoga, one requires a moderate fitness level to begin. Also, people with chronic ailments or diabetes need to consult a health-care practitioner before taking the dive.

I love the flowing movements and asanas used in power yoga, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself breaking into a heavy sweat during the session. After just a few sessions you would notice an increase in overall flexibility and improved mental alertness along with the myriad other benefits mentioned above.

For Her: This 10-minute session by Stylecraze Yoga is very suitable for women who are beginners in power yoga.

For Him: This powerful and dynamic 10-minute session by Sean Vigue Fitness is aimed at athletes and is a good fat-burner.

Calorie Meter: A 10 min Power Yoga session can burn approximately 50–75 calories.


Image by 5132824 from Pixabay

HIIT is High-Intensity Interval Training. This workout is highly popular for achieving great results in shorter spans of time. It involves alternating between high-intensity exercise and a shorter rest period or lower intensity exercise. The idea is to go all-out with it, get the heart rate pumped up to around 80–90% of optimum during the high-intensity part, and reap the benefits for the rest of the day. This makes for a great quarantine workout, for sweating it out in the absence of gym.


  • It is an ‘anaerobic’ workout, which means that the body burns more calories throughout the day to make up for the oxygen deficit created during the workout, making this workout more effective than steady-state Cardio.
  • Research establishes that HIIT is able to increase CRF (cardiorespiratory fitness) and improve metabolism as well as overall health.

Before You Start: As this is an intense workout, people with pre-existing health conditions should consult a health-care practitioner before plunging into it. This may not be a great start for fitness newbies, who need to focus first on achieving a basic fitness level and good core muscle strength.

I enjoy this power-packed workout on the days I do intense training. Tuning into quality videos by YouTube fitness influencers is a great way to do home-workouts. Over time, you do tend to get inspired by the fitness journey of your instructor which helps you stay motivated.

For Her: This HIIT workout by Pamela Reif is my favourite. It’s a 20 min workout but if you are in the mood for more, you can follow this up with specific workouts like Abs and end with a cool-down session.

For Him: This 20 minute HIIT session by The Body Coach TV is really fun and energetic, just what you need to get sweating at home.

Calorie Meter: A 20 min HIIT session can burn approximately 200–270 calories.

Hope that the above list can encourage you to pursue health and fitness from the comfort of your homes. Remember, a healthy body and mind is the key to a happy life.

So, as Nike says, “Just Do It”!

Happy Working Out!!

Originally published at on July 16, 2020.



Isha Tewari Srivastava
Mind | Body | Soul

Wellness Aficionado | Fashion Designer | Zealous Writer | Critical Thinker | Truth Seeker | Website-The Wellness Cafe: