Critics- A blessing in disguise

Sreenidhi Chandar
Mind Boggler
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2020

Transformations happen for human beings throughout the journey of life. Everyone is going through their own piece of hardships becoming stronger day by day. Does the role of a critic play an enormous impact on growth and transformations? If yes, is it positive or negative? Glance through the article to know my views on how a critic role can influence lives.

Who is a critic?

The definition goes “a person who expresses an unfavourable opinion of something”. Acceptable but what is the aftermath of someone who is expressing an unfavourable opinion when a person is pursuing their goals. To me there are basically three perceptions that we would predominantly have on critic statements (taking cues from my personal experience)

Here are three approaches to critics and impacts reaped,

  1. Not all critics have a bad notion, it’s for betterment: When there is a person who underestimates your potential and plays a role of critic, then that’s a trigger to infinite will power where it gives rush to prove them false. Critics can make you more ambitious and become a catalyst to your goals. This helps in discovering more and more of an individual’s potential. There are instances where my mother has played the role of a critic but I believe that has made me what I am today. Though the push may be in a negative tone, it’s always to bring the best out of me. Let the statements of critics be heard and get converted to boundless energy.
  2. Persistence of negative vibes inducing positivity: At times, words from critics can be really harsh and can bring us down. On analysing the reason behind the words of critics, many at times we recollect the mistakes we committed. But that’s how life goes. Making mistakes is fine. Repeating the same mistakes is also fine. Mistakes are not going to stop until the lessons are learnt. So it’s okay to fall down, reflect on them and upsurge. Taking it up for the cause of betterment could be a wise move and yeah then there is emergence of flying colours to have a set back for goals.
  3. Never care approach: Feeling judged and criticised for everything, every time is real pain. Negative statements targeting us always are definitely not going to help us. It’s always fabulous to stay away from this category of critics cause that’s going to hinder self confidence and bring in inferiority complex. A cautious step taken at the right time can avoid impediments to achieve goals.

Giving emotional weightage to a critic’s statements may not help in most of the cases. Analysing and reflecting on them could help us reach milestones. Balancing critics statements is vital because never become too much obsessed with them. The societal background operates in a way where every step a person takes towards their goals, there would be a mix of encouraging, helping, happier, criticising, discouraging souls. Moving forward, embracing mistakes, self reflection (and balancing critics’ roles) can make magnificent changes to lifestyle which will invariably lead to better transformations.

Wishing you a lot of positivity to pursue your goals :)

Happy reading!



Sreenidhi Chandar
Mind Boggler

Aspiring business analyst in IT Industry exploring every dimension. Technical and random thoughts penned down.