Sreenidhi Chandar
Mind Boggler
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


The word “No” as per synonym says “Used for saying that something is not allowed” which is acceptable. But thinking deeper “No” is a two letter magical word which at the minute of utterance can be a problematic cause for the receiver but gives an utmost sense of relief at a later point of time. People who say “no” are always stereotyped to be the most chaotic person to be dealt with. This starts right from childhood where a kid who says “no” to homework, “no” to swimming, or “no” to “tuition” are labeled as the most problematic kids. The word “no” always has a negative impact on the person who feels the way, which is actually not.

Browse through this article to understand why and when we should never hesitate to say “no” and also the benefits of saying “no”

Why “no”

Many at times, the decisions we make are the echo of some other’s voice which may seem right to their perspective but not to the decision maker. With social media taunting us what to do and what not to do, constantly budging by only showing the success stories of people, the differentiation of what is right to us and what not becomes a critical factor. It is always fine to have a difference of opinion and to be the odd one out as that’s uniqueness. Never hesitate to say no to others or to yourself if you feel that way.

When “no”

If I had to utter too many “no”s am I the most negative person?

Definitely not. Here are few instances where without doubt you can say “no”

  1. There are always a few deeds that every individual feels that it’s not something we should do. It can be anything from eating a lot of junk food to killing a person who triggers your anger (pun intended). Never hesitate to say “no” at first thought. But the classification of deeds is not a bigger bother as a deed right for one person can be crap for another. Trust your thoughts and never hesitate to utter “no”.
  2. When we make personal life decisions, there are infinite external factors which pitch in with lots of suggestions on wellness. But at the end of the day, it’s the individual’s life hence no one has the right to involve and investigate. Analyse, listen to others, think, decide and go forward. If others feel the reverse, utter “no” to them as well as to yourself.
  3. Career is one another thing where the society has moulded in a way that some path of career is embarrassment. It’s also gender stereotyped in some cases. People around also will prompt us to go with a formula that has worked or not worked for them (which is a different part of the story). Choose your career wisely with heart and mind. Never feel embarrassed to utter “no” if you feel that’s not going to be your cup of tea.

To conclude with the benefits

Right from childhood, kids need to be practiced to say not only “yes” to all the decisions made by elders, but it’s fine to deny at times (which has and will be a cake walk for present and upcoming generations). A source of “no” can unveil great talents. The real pain is walking in the footsteps of others by being obliged for everything without understanding our own likes and dislikes, or in simple words not saying “no”.

Think and follow your heart without doubt. If someone/something barricades simply utter “no” and march forward.




Sreenidhi Chandar
Mind Boggler

Aspiring business analyst in IT Industry exploring every dimension. Technical and random thoughts penned down.