1-to-1 Writing Coaching With Our Founder, Adrian Drew

My 1-to-1 writing services just went live! Sign up below for a free consultation.

Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe
3 min readFeb 8, 2021


Yo guys!

Writers of ours have been asking me, Adrian Drew, to launch a 1-to-1 coaching service for a while now, and I’ve finally gone ahead and done it. You can sign up for a free consultation with me here if you wish. To learn more about what I have to offer, head on over to my brand new website.

Below is some more information about why you should consider working with me, and what you’ll get when you sign up for my 1-to-1 coaching services.

Why Receive Writing Coaching From Me?

I’m a professional writer, the owner of a viral publication called Mind Cafe, and a ten-times top writer on Medium, amassing over 13,000 followers and 2.5 million reads.

I have expert insight into all-things writing, from earning a living as a freelancer, owning and managing a publication, and writing premium-quality articles that keep an audience engaged and interested.

My writing endeavours earned me more than £150,000 in 2020. I’m passionate about teaching you how to turn your love for writing into a career, just like I did.

So why work with me?

1. I own a viral publication.

My publication, Mind Cafe, is a Medium-partnered creative space with over 115K followers and an average of 1.5M monthly readers. As owner and managing editor of Mind Cafe, my job involves sorting through hundreds of articles per week, picking out the very best for publication, and developing pieces that need a little more TLC to make the cut.

Identifying quality content is my job. I’m an expert, and Mind Cafe’s stellar performance in its first year as a business shows that.

2. I’m a professional writer.

Alongside Mind Cafe, I’m also a professional freelance writer. Starting out at just sixteen, at which point I could only charge $0.01 per word, companies now pay me $1 per word to write content for them.

To put that into perspective, this paragraph would have earned me $69. In my professional work, I’ve been published in spaces such as Thrive Global, The Writing Cooperative, and hundreds of others.

3. Writing underpins everything I do.

In all avenues of my professional work, writing underpins just about everything I do. I have an eye for spotting sentences that could be made better, more engaging and exciting.

Countless times I’ll read pieces from our writers and spot areas for improvement but simply can’t justify being so meticulous and attentive with every single person that writes for me. Instead, I plan to offer that help via my one-to-one training.

What My Services Include

When working with me, we’ll tailor everything we do to suit your aims and requirements as a writer, whichever stage you’re at in your career.

Some of the key things we’ll focus on include:

  1. Improve your writing skills Learn from an expert how to hone your writing skills and succeed. I’ll also run edits on articles of your choosing, helping you to identify areas of your work that could be improved.
  2. Reach a wider audience. Have your work seen by thousands of people using key tricks of the trade, the very ones that I use to attract millions of viewers to Mind Cafe every single month.
  3. Make money from your work. Become a pro at finding freelance clients and charging for your services using the same processes that I did.
  4. Learn how to get published. Find out the key things that make your articles stand out to editors, straight from the mouth of one of Medium’s top publication owners.

Get Started Today

Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? Great.

To book a completely free 25-minute consultation with me before getting started, follow this link. I’ll see you there.

Love as always




Adrian Drew
Mind Cafe

Owner of Mind Cafe | Let’s chat on Instagram: @adriandrew__