10 Inspiring Life Lessons From the World’s Best-Selling Book

A few helpful reminders for a moral life.

Clément Bourcart
Mind Cafe


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Full disclaimer: I don’t believe in religion.

I don’t believe in organized systems of thought which compel their followers to submit to dogma for which there is no evidence. I don’t take voices whispering in the desert, skies breaking up in half, and burning bushes at face value.

The fact is, religion does us no good when it comes to achieving unity and standing a chance at global peace, as a human race. The many religious conflicts and wars are a stark reminder of this reality.

Nonetheless, some religious texts have a lot to teach us when it comes to morality and living a decent life.

When I was young, I grew up in an agnostic household. I wasn’t baptized at birth. Yet, growing up in France in a small city, the local parish church was an important place for young boys and girls my age who diligently gathered for Bible study every weekend.

Throughout primary school, I learned about Christianity in catechism class. This led me to opt for getting baptized at the age of 12.

From there, I read multiple versions of the Bible (King James mainly), attended church, and became an altar boy. I remember the hymns and the songs, the…



Clément Bourcart
Mind Cafe

Business Consultant, Growth Marketer, Project and Product Manager, Copywriter // AIForBusinesses.com 🤖