11 Ways to Save So You Can Live in New York For A Week

And happily not owe a cent on your credit card when you get home.

Kim Duke
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Once a year my friend Tina and I live in New York City. We fly from Western Canada and so it is a commitment of time and money to get there. We also pay an extra 30% for the currency exchange. So the Big Apple is an expensive apple for us — but we’ve learned how to have a joyful, adventure-filled week on an affordable budget.

And no, I don’t have a rich relative who pays for the trip. I save my money in advance and when I get home — I don’t owe a cent on my credit card.

You can too. It’s so worth it. You expand your world when you stretch out of the comfort zone of home and see how other people live. And when you travel with a friend, it becomes more affordable and fun.

New York is so much more than the cheap flashiness of Times Square. It is also a beautiful and sophisticated city filled with history, energy and contrary to what you’ve heard — New Yorkers are friendly when you are.

And for a week each year, I get to live in New York. But living in one of the most expensive cities in the world and not go into debt — well, that takes a plan.

1. Go With Someone Who Has Similar Interests



Kim Duke
Mind Cafe

I happily write about food, nature, and quirks of life. Creator of Scribbly: a snail mail writing program that you need in your life! www.kimdukewrites.com