12 Attributes Of Virtuous People, According to Ancient Confucian Philosophy

Virtue never stands alone. It is bound to have neighbors.

Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe


“Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero

The good life is available to us all, for it is mostly a product of our minds. A life of virtue is a choice, but its components are no secret. Success, virtue, courage, strength — every good quality leaves clues, and virtue has left a trail that anyone can follow.

In ancient China, the great philosopher Confucius championed the path of virtue, rounding it all up into his notion of the “Gentleman.” I believe in his time, the gentleman referred to the one who is a devout, admirable human being who lives a virtuous, meaningful life, a true scholar and student of the art of living. Today, it can mean the same thing, no matter your gender.

We can all be virtuous, and now more than ever, this world needs people of true, honest virtue.

1. Instead Of Worrying About A Lack Of Success, Focus On Earning It

“Do not worry because you have no official position. Worry about your qualifications. Do not…



Spencer Sekulin
Mind Cafe

Paramedic | Writer | Creator | Work In Progress | Contributor for Better Humans, Mind Cafe, and more. Let’s learn and grow together. https://spencersekulin.net