12 Habits of Naturally Positive People

And how they can help you become happier and healthier.

Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe


Photo by Fox from Pexels

We all know at least one person who’s always positive. That no matter when we see them, they have a smile plastered across their face and radiate a zest for life. Perhaps you’re thinking, “Yea, and they’re incredibly annoying!” If so, it should make you wonder what it is about their happiness that triggers something in you. Maybe you’re envious of their aptitude for happiness, that you feel a sense of jealousy? Or maybe you see a positive person and admire their attitude. You think, “Wow, I’d love to be more positive like that in my life!”

The good news is, you can become a more positive person. And those unfaltering happy people have the insight you need to do so. By understanding what the habits of naturally positive people are, you can implement them into your own life. Because the formula for happiness is simple: when you change your habits, thoughts, and behaviors, you’ll improve your quality of life overall.

Positivity research is extensive and thorough. Just from changing your mindset, studies have found that you can experience a slew of health benefits:



Kirstie Taylor
Mind Cafe

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." kirstietaylor.com/guide // IG: @kirstietaylorr //