12 Mom-Approved Rules for Life

Move over Jordan Peterson — science happens to agree.

Alice Goldbloom
Mind Cafe


Photo by Sai Da Silva on Unsplash

Hallelujah, Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life is no longer on the New York Times bestseller list. Millions read his book, so I guess they liked his rules. My quibble was the excessive verbiage it took him to convey his advice — mainly for men — who need to be reminded to stand up straight and be good fathers. Plus, I’ve never been a fan of his conservative views.

All this to say, his stepping off the bestseller list opens up a perfect opportunity for my mom-inspired rules for life. While I am not a psychology professor at a top Canadian university like Peterson, my credentials are from the real hard-knock school of motherhood, and it’s a profession I have practiced with modest success for more than two decades.

You can trust a mom, right? My rules are easy to understand, and they are backed in most cases by science, to boot.

1. Life is Short, So Don’t Waste Time

Trust me, the older you get, the faster it zips by. How do you make every day count? Start with a single personal goal and go for it. While it is healthy to have long-term goals, and successful people, athletes, and high achievers have all shared their systems for achieving their goals with us, this is not what I am…



Alice Goldbloom
Mind Cafe

Woman of a certain age. On a good day I am 12 feet tall. Join me on Substack @ A Considerable Age.