12 Ways To Find Out How ‘Chill’ Someone Really Is

Or how chill you really are…

Maria Garcia
Mind Cafe


Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

More often than not, people get triggered.

Their buttons are pushed, and they can’t resist acting out. It happens, and that is part of the sad joy of being a sensitive human. So what makes people different then, if most of us are triggered by something?

My guess? It’s how we choose to respond.

More specifically, whether or not we let our rampant emotions dictate our character in a heated moment. Or at least, how much we let them dictate our impulsive actions…

So you think you know someone who is ‘chill’? Or you consider yourself that someone? Stay tuned for the following examples, and then confirm the verdict.

How they drive in a traffic jam

There is a lot to be said about who we are in a jam — both metaphorically and literally. Driving is a safe place to release all that bottled-up anger we neglect to address elsewhere because we are protected by an armor of metal.

Think about it. No one can fight you back. Unless they are utterly reckless and decide to play bumper cars, or follow you home to fight. Plus, you’re just one pedal away from disappearing and never seeing the person again.

