12 Years of Travel — 3 Exceptional Leaders — 9 Powerful Habits

After 12 years on the road, I have been lucky to work with 3 extraordinary humans — here are the lessons I learned along the way

Andy Murphy
Mind Cafe


Photo by Bewakoof.com Official on Unsplash

I have been lucky to work under three exceptional leaders over the last 12 years.

One took a chance on me at a young age while I worked at a camping shop in Darwin, Australia. Another one trusted me to lead volunteer groups around the Fijian islands, and the last gave me the freedom to teach young adults how to scuba dive and sail around the Caribbean.

Looking back, it’s not what they did that made them so memorable but how they made me feel. And that, for me, is what separates good leaders from bad ones, and the really great ones from all the rest.

“We desperately need more leaders who are committed to courageous, wholehearted leadership and who are self-aware enough to lead from their hearts.” — Brené Brown

So, here are nine habits of exceptional leaders, taken from three humans who changed my life.

1. The Ability to Listen

