13 Things to Do After a Bad Breakup

Because eating Ben & Jerry's just won't cut it.

Shannon Ashley
Mind Cafe


1. Glean wisdom from the other people in your life.

Remember them? Family, friends, and even coworkers often want to help, but may not know how. Not everyone is adept at empathy, and let’s face it. After a big heartache, we don’t always know what we want or need.

You can sidestep a whole lot of frustration and give folks a simple way to help you by interviewing them about their own bad breakups.

“How did you cope with your worst breakup?”

“Is there anything you wish you’d done differently to heal?”

“What did you want to know when you were still hurting?”

Asking these kinds of questions accomplishes a few different things.

First, you get to bond and feel some human connection when you need it most. Second, it gets you out of your own head and sad story as you think about somebody else’s heartbreak. Finally, gives you a fresh perspective and possibly new ideas on how to get through your pain.



Shannon Ashley
Mind Cafe

It's not about being flawless, it's about being honest. Calling out vipers since 2018 🍵 https://ko-fi.com/shannonashley 📧 truthurts.substack.com