13 Yellow Flags to Watch Out For When You Are Dating

Not everything is a dealbreaker, but some things can become one.

Zita Fontaine
Mind Cafe
Published in
7 min readJan 31, 2020


Photo by Johnny Macri on Unsplash

Talking about red flags in a relationship or even on a first date is quite common these days. There are a lot of emotional predators out there — both in online and offline dating — and we need to watch out for our well-being to come out unscathed.

The trouble with watching out only for red flags is that when you see them, it’s already too late. If someone treats you badly, it’s a red flag, but the damage is already done.

When it comes to recognising yellow flags, the signs are not so obvious and not all of them will turn out to be a dealbreaker. But it is wise to check in with ourselves about whether our partner’s behaviour is triggering to us in any way.

I am not suggesting that you should look for monsters everywhere, but to guard yourself and have a healthy level of self-protection is necessary at all times. Those who deserve your time and energy, in the long run, will not exhibit personality traits that make you pause and consider whether you are with the wrong person or not.

“Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”―Joseph Heller, Catch-22



Zita Fontaine
Mind Cafe

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: zita.substack.com Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail