15 Quotes That (If Applied) Will Change Your Perspective On Life

Advice from ancient philosophers and modern leaders.

Sinem Günel
Mind Cafe


15 Quotes That (If Applied) Might Change Your Mind Forever
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Even though packed with wisdom, quotes barely change lives or people. We enjoy coming across little pieces of enlightenment when browsing through the web or scrolling through newsfeeds, yet, we hardly take action based on what we learn.

Instead, most people prefer investing in costly courses and seminars, believing these will change their lives.

The common reality, however, is that most expensive personal growth programs don’t teach more than the basic ideas. Most lessons we talk about today are rooted in ancient quotes and teachings of people who lived long before us but experienced similar challenges.

There’s a hidden power in ancient wisdom given you’re willing to take action and make changes. However, you’ll need to search for the lessons and spend time figuring out how to apply them in your daily life. Being inspired is cute, but it’s not enough.

Whenever you come across a quote, you have two options: Glossing over them or digging in and asking yourself how it could help you live a better life.

Most people are frustrated when they invest in personal development books, courses, or events and don’t see any change in…



Sinem Günel
Mind Cafe

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