15 Things That Will Calm You Down When You Feel Like the Sky Is Falling

#7. Re-do your morning routine.

Itxy Lopez
Mind Cafe


Feeling anxious or overly nervous is uncomfortable. Your chest feels tight, the smallest of noises are like drums in your ears, your heart feels like a giant’s hand knocking on your ribs. It’s hard to concentrate and sit still.

Considering this happens to me often, I’ve found some tricks that help me breathe and relax. If you don’t do anything, you end up suspended in a place between your thoughts and realities. It’s not fun.

These small, do-able actions regulate my heart rate, quiet the noises, and help me breathe a little steadier.

#1. Pop in noise-canceling headphones. I recently bought the AirPods Pro, and it’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Noise-canceling headphones block out any outside noise — the chatter, the tv, the street racket, the birds. All those common noises that suddenly sound more like fireworks. If you can afford a pair, they’ll help you center yourself and focus on yourself instead of what’s going on outside.

#2. Listen to music. I recommend curating a playlist with calming music. Anything with an acoustic guitar tends to help bring me down. Try to silence your mind and focus only on the notes, the lyrics, and the melodies. Doing this…



Itxy Lopez
Mind Cafe

I’m a self-discovery writer: I write as I grow, make mistakes, and learn.