1843 Years Later, These 4 Time Tested Habits by Marcus Aurelius Can Solve Your Life’s Problems

You’re not defined by the problems you encounter but by the solutions you create.

Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jacob Hilton on Unsplash

Marcus Aurelius, who was of Italo-Hispanic descent, grew up during a time when his grandfather held high status as prefect of Rome. His great uncle, Hadrian, recognized Aurelius’s potential and took him under his wing from a young age.

Aurelius grew up like any elite Roman class child would — with proper education, physical training, instilled family values, and connections that were highly sought after in that era. However, he never took these privileges for granted. He knew that the right person must know how to use his knowledge and abilities to serve others rather than inflate his own ego.

Even in his middle age, Aurelius continued to prioritize learning and growth. While his elite status may have opened doors for him, he knew that he had to forge his own path in life. His life serves as a perfect testament that habits and consistency can change your life.

Today, 1843 years later, we can still learn from Marcus Aurelius’s wisdom. Below are four life lessons that he predicted centuries ago and which remain relevant today.

1. Your diet isn’t just



Noorain Ali
Mind Cafe

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