20 Self-Help Books Ranked from Worst to Best

So you don’t waste your time.

Jessica Wildfire
Mind Cafe


The personal growth aka “self-help” industry is worth anywhere from $9 to $13 billion dollars. Books alone make up $800 million. Critics say it’s a business that preys off misery.

Most of the consumption comes from us millennials, who spend up to $300 a month on personal growth, ranging from life coaches and mentors to personal trainers and audiobooks.

What else do we know about millennials?

  • Most debt of any generation.
  • Least disposable income.
  • Least likely to own a home.
  • Least likely to invest.
  • Worst job prospects.

We’re the first generation in American history expected to be worse off than their parents, in just about every way. We delayed starting families due to a brutal economic recession, and now we’re knee deep in another one that’s going to hurt a lot worse.

We’re terrified again, this time with mouths to feed.

It makes sense that we’d be looking for any kind of resource to help us deal with all the stress of this chaotic world. It makes sense that we’d want to max out on self-improvement, because being our best selves isn’t just a hobby — it’s imperative…

