3 Bad Habits That Drain Your Energy (And How To Break Them)

Protect yourself from mental fatigue

Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe



You’re not lazy.

You just don’t have enough mental energy to complete everything on your to-do list.

The solution? Identify and break the bad habits that are preventing you from reaching your goals. Because once you stop doing things that make you feel tired, you’ll inevitably have more energy. Like Amy Morin once said:

“Acknowledging the unproductive thoughts and ineffective behavior that you’ve tried to ignore can be uncomfortable. But stepping out of your comfort zone and choosing to address bad habits will skyrocket your ability to create long-lasting change.”

Here are several harmful habits that drain your energy (and how to break them):

1) Trying To Please Everyone

Most of us want our loved ones to be happy.

We’ll say yes to every request because we don’t want to let our friends and family down or jeopardize our relationships. But when we spend all of our energy on other people, we often don’t have any left for ourselves. As Kendra Cherry writes in Verywell Mind:

“Devoting all of your energy and mental resources toward making sure that others are happy…



Matt Lillywhite
Mind Cafe

Full-time storyteller, part-time procrastinator. Writing to inspire, entertain, and avoid doing laundry.