3 Butterfly Effects You Might Be Overlooking at the Cost of a Better Wellbeing

You are the tiny things you do every day.

Nabil Alouani
Mind Cafe


Photo by Wesley Carvalho from Pexels modified by the author

“A butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazonian jungle, and subsequently a storm ravages half of Europe.” Neil Gaiman.

In a nutshell, the butterfly effect states that tiny variations in a complex system can have huge impacts. The keyword? Complex system. It refers to an environment where many factors come into play to determine the outcomes. The weather is a good example of a complex system — so is the stock market, and politics. But the most significant complex system remains — your life.

In your personal complex system, you get to fully control only one parameter: your decisions. What to eat for breakfast? Which clothes should you wear? How to meet your next deadline? With each question comes a tiny choice. The accumulation of these small decisions ultimately shapes your life. J-P Sartre might have said it best:

“We are our choices.”

The catch? It’s easy to overestimate the choices that can change our lives. We tend to think that great changes only come from big decisions. The truth is way less impressive than that. The truth is: You are what you do…



Nabil Alouani
Mind Cafe

I drink coffee and write prompts || 100% human-generated content || Weekly mails: https://nabilalouani.substack.com