3 Delphic Maxims that Show Us How to Create Better, More Fulfilling Lives

Ancient advice for better living today.

Patricia Haddock
Mind Cafe


3 Delphic Maxims that Show Us How to Create Better, More Fulfilling Lives Ancient advice for better living today
Image by Pixaline from Pixabay

I vaguely remember learning about the Delphic Maxims in college, but, at the time, they had little relevance for me. I studied them, wrote a paper, passed an exam, and moved on. Recently, I rediscovered them and found that many have practical value and application for our lives today.

If you don’t remember what the Delphic Maxims are or never studied them, here’s a quick recap.

A brief overview of the Delphic Maxims

Inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, the maxims were attributed to the god Apollo’s oracle although other sources attribute them to the Seven Sages of Greece. They are generally thought to be proverbs, similar to the proverbs of the Christian bible, and provide guidance for living an honorable, fulfilling life. Most are still relevant for many areas of our personal and business lives, and here are 3 that most resonated with me.

Have kindly interactions

I just read a piece about an unruly airline passenger that needed to be restrained. Their actions caused the plane to execute an emergency landing and resulted in an hours-long delay for passengers. This type of incident…



Patricia Haddock
Mind Cafe

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. & pat@phaddock.com.