3 Habits You Should Avoid in the Morning

Staying away from these habits will help you have a more energetic and productive day.

Kristina Segarra
Mind Cafe


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

When asked a question, “What’s the first thing people do in the morning,” far too many will say: “I check my phone,” or “I turn on the TV to get the latest news.”

But there’s a better way to start your morning — and it involves not doing either of those things. Establishing a proper morning routine is essential for sustaining energy levels and boosting your productivity. That’s why the habits you engage in the morning will affect your entire day.

Here are 3 habits to avoid to ensure you have a good day’s start.

Tuning In to Technology

Let’s face it: waking up in the morning is tough, waking up to an alarm is even tougher. You’ve just had a full night of restful sleep. You’re full of energy and your mind is free of clutter and informational input. You’re at peace with yourself. Imagine if you could sustain that moment of peace as you start your day?

Many things can disrupt your state of mind, and one of them is tuning in to technology right after you wake up. If the first thing you do is check your phone, check your e-mail, log on to social media, or listen to the news, you’re not letting…



Kristina Segarra
Mind Cafe

Freelance health/wellness/self-improvement writer, musician, mom of two boys. Join my newsletter: https://self-empowerment-club.ck.page/a9d23100d4