3 Mirco Habits to Stop Overthinking
And stop struggling with daily things.
A lot of people overthink and get anxious.
Many people overthink their lives, careers, love, and more things. Things that you perhaps shouldn’t worry too much about.
But it happens a lot.
Things like the fear of losing control, perfecting everything, and the endless stream of information that’s coming at us.
To help those people, here are 3 micro habits to stop overthinking.
1 — Focus on what you can control
One of the main reasons why we overthink certain things is because we have the urge to control everything.
But at the same time that urge is bad for us.
Just like one of the fundamental stoics Marcus Aurelius believed, you shouldn’t focus on things you can’t control and definitely don’t worry about them because you have no control over them.
That also means that you shouldn’t worry about the things you can control because you can change them.
If you choose not to, don’t complain.
Then it’s just a lack of willpower and strength.