3 Morning Habits to Support Your Mental Health This Winter

Simple ways to maintain your mental wellbeing through the cold, dark months.

Ashley Richmond
Mind Cafe


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

The northern hemisphere is heading into winter, which means colder days and longer nights.

These changes make it harder to stay motivated with our habits and often lead to lower moods. However, we can be proactive in supporting our mental health as we move towards these cold, dark days. And the morning is the perfect time to incorporate some habits that will set the tone for the day and will support your mental health.

Here’s how you can support your mental wellbeing on a daily basis this winter season.

1. Protect the First Hour

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Do you reach for your phone?

Do you think about how tired you are? How much you have to do today?

Do you watch the news?

If we want to support our mental health this winter, we need to be really cognizant of how we spend the first hour of our day, and specifically, what input we’re allowing into our minds.

Avoiding your phone, the news, and as much as possible, stressful thoughts, is crucial to starting…



Ashley Richmond
Mind Cafe

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