3 Popular Self-Help Beliefs That Harm More Than Help

How one man single-handedly ruined the self-growth industry.

Linda Caroll
Mind Cafe


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Sam Smiles was kind of a failure in his youth, at least by his own criteria. Opposite of the Midas touch, it seemed everything he touched failed.

He was schooled in medicine, but his medical practice failed so badly, he abandoned it and became an editor at a local paper. When that didn’t get him the upward progress he wanted, he went into railroad administration.

When he left the railroad after a decade or so, he thought he should team up and go into business with a partner.

He joined several cooperative business ventures, but they all failed because of lack of capital. Frustrated with his string of failures, he did what many people do when they’re at the end of their rope and hanging on by the knot.

He wrote and self published a book. Finally, success found him.
Or he found it.

A runaway bestseller that shaped an entire industry…

Book photos from antiquebook.com // Samuel Smiles photo from Wikipedia

