3 Powerful Principles From The Dalai Lama That Can Help Get You Through Any Crisis

How to tackle pandemics, politics, and your own personal well-being.

Peter Burns
Mind Cafe


“Human happiness and human satisfaction must ultimately come from within oneself.” — Dalai Lama

On one beautiful day many millennia ago, the Buddha was teaching a student about the nature of life. The youngster was having a hard time understanding the lesson on self-inflicted pain, so Siddhartha started explaining it with a metaphor.

The Buddha asked the student: “If the person is stuck by an arrow, is it painful?

Without hesitation the student replied: “It is.”

The Buddha went on: “If the same person is stuck by a second arrow, is that not even more painful?

Once again, the student agreed: “It is.

This is what Sidhartha was waiting for. Taking a deep breath, he showed the student the nature of suffering: “In life, we cannot always control getting hit by the first arrow. However, the second arrow is how we react to the first. With this second arrow, comes the possibility of choice.



Peter Burns
Mind Cafe

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (http://gainweightjournal.com/).