3 (Rarely Discussed) Eating Habits That Help You Stay Learn Year Round

I’m encouraging you to add these things to your diet to look lean — no restriction required.

Emilina Lomas
Mind Cafe
Published in
6 min readAug 12, 2024


Me. 4 months postpartum!

I’ve been in the fitness industry for almost a decade — predominantly as a health writer, and previously as a registered nutritionist, health coach, and personal trainer. When I say I’ve heard it all — I’ve heard it all. Really random foods that supposedly get you shredded, and extremely niche supplement stacks that will get you absolutely jacked. There’s always information like that online. Why? People are selling products. The intrigue draws you in. It drew you into this article, right?

Here’s the (perhaps) depressing reality: There are no quick fixes or magic pills. If you want to stay lean year-round, you’ve got to have a consistent routine that works well for you. However, saying that, there are three habits that have helped me (and many more) stay lean, and I rarely see them discussed on social media, fitness forums, and the like.

So I’ll keep this short and sweet, here they are.

1. Extra virgin olive oil

I once coached a guy who was desperately trying to gain weight, so he’d add a quarter cup of olive oil to his protein shakes because of its caloric…



Emilina Lomas
Mind Cafe

Health Writer. Exercise Scientist. Wellness junkie. Philosophy enthusiast. Published author. Subscribe to my Substack: emilinalomas.substack.com/